To My Birthday Boy

An Ollie Tale

Where to begin? Ah, yes.  Concerning Ollie...

Ollie's are happy, jolly and love to eat.  You prefer to be held, comfortable and cozy, rather than run off and have adventures.

Thus making you a hobbit of sorts...

How in the world are you SIX. I just can't. You are growing as fast as your hair, which, by the way, has never been longer.

This world right now. The pandemic. The protests. The uncertainty. It's all so much. And you, my sweet little love, are handling it all so much better than many adults I know. You know enough of what's happening and you have hope. Hope and certainty that everything is going to be ok. You know that is not the case for everyone. You understand so much at such a young age. Things grown ups don't even understand.

You. Can. Read. I am just so proud. And would like to tell the world that the desire to play Pokemon video games is greatly responsible for your motivation. Well done, baby!

You still give zero fucks, man.  You tell it how it is. Honest and funny and true and in that tiny adorable voice that gets SO serious if we're talking about Minecraft, Animal Crossing or Diablo.

You are so in love with anything soft. One of your birthday requests this year was that everyone has to wear soft things all day long. Such a tactile baby. You love to fiddle with things, rip things into pieces, destroy things. You need a fidgit cube.

You were a cat in another life. Anytime there’s a small space you’re in it. Boxes. Under tables, in tents. There’s Ollie.

Your sense of humor and comedic timing makes me laugh out loud daily. From the original “wakka-wakka” to your puns to your looks, you are the funniest kid I know.

I love your love of all things decadent. When asked what you wanted for your birthday you basically said “soft things, luxurious bedding and all my favorite foods, plus candy, and I get to do whatever I want.” If we let you, it would be a five day event. And goddess knows you’re going lord your power over everyone all day like a queen.

Your maturity and sense of the world doesn’t come without a serious side. You often stare off at bedtime only to follow it up with “what happens when we die?” or “what would happen if you stomped on a skull?” You have such wonder and concern about things you don’t know. You’re curious and thoughtful. Maybe a little morbid. And that’s all ok.

In case you thought you had grown out of it, you have not. You are still “The Darkness”. From loving villains to thinking people are assholes for parking terribly, to ripping paper into little bits and leaving them on the floor because it’s fun to destroy, you march to a dark drummer. You feel things so very deeply and I hope that is always the case.

I can't wait to see what adventures we all get into in the years to come. Complete with second breakfast, elevensies and the other four meals when we can get them.

It's been an incredible year, one of the best of my life.  I'd do it all over in a heartbeat, there and back again, for sure.  Thanks for choosing me to be your mom.

All my love,
Your mama

To My Birthday Boy

To my birthday boy,

Oh sweet boy. What a wonderful, hilarious, joyful, exceedingly blissful year it’s been. What do you think of your life so far? It’s hard to believe that, eight years ago today, I was just going in for one of your last checkups only to find out that you’d be joining us in the world a few short whirlwind hours later. 

It happens every year. IT HAPPENS EVERY YEAR. I just typed "eight" and thought, "No, that's wrong. He can't be 8." But, just like every year, it's true. You are this many years old. How did that happen? You feel so old and yet so tiny all at once.

It's such a strange time to be alive right now. If you're reading this years from now, to bring you up to speed, we're a few months into a pandemic. It has been scary, weird, anxiety producing, and tiring. But there have been good things too. We are spending every day together. We are all more together than we have been previously. And, though it can be difficult sometimes, it's honestly one of the most fun times I've known. I get to see you learn and grow with your brother while your dad teaches you. I get to see you help and try new things.

You have grown up so. very. much. this year. Things that would have sent you into a fit of rage or anxiety are now just looked at and shrugged at. You just move on. You're always learning how to slow down. How to use your words. How to manage your emotions. Sometimes they win and over take you. But more and more I see you experience, acknowledge and process them. This weird time, honey, you're handling it better than so many other fully grown humans I see, yours truly included.

This year we went to Seabrook a couple of times. I am loving traveling with you. We went to Seabrook and had Christmas with Banana and Farmer. One of the best vacations I can remember. You started to enjoy and not fear the ocean more. 

We did many hikes and walks this year. You guys are getting really good at trucking around and along. Enjoying trees and plants and animals and water. I hope we do a lot of this during the summer.

Your first live musical was The Little Mermaid at Village Theatre in Issaquah. Boy did we dress UP and have a fancy dinner after. You boys have gotten to do some crazy fancy eating this year. John Howie Steak and Salish Lodge to name a few.

Our August trip before school was San Francisco - which you call Fran Sancisco (and if anyone ever tries to correct you I'll bite them). We did it all and you LOVED it.

Second grade started off with a great teacher and a super happy to be back at school Felix. I'm glad you had most of the school year in the classroom. I'm glad you weren't a 6th grader with camp cancelled or a senior who didn't get to walk at graduation. Those I know in those grades have been dealt a sad, hard hand. But I do feel heartbroken you didn't get to finish your 2nd grade year full out. 

You made cupcakes all by yourself for Uncle Evan. You are so inquisitive and love baking shows. I adore our time each night when we watch Great British Baking Show. You know so MUCH about it and I am learning to let you try more things like help with a lattice crust for pie or beat an egg. 

We have finished TWO Harry Potter books and movies! Girl. You are killing it with these books. You listen (mostly) and remember what's happening. You have favorite characters and ones you hate. It makes me SO happy to hear you gasp when you hear Hagrid's voice when I read.

You have finished all the Star Wars movies. All 9. PHEW. 

I wrote the next bit last year and it's still so very true. You love unicorns. And dragons. And dinosaurs. And comics and Star Wars. And non-fiction. You want to work in a pet store when you grow up. You also really, really, really like to be right. Like a lot. A really lot.

You are loved. You are safe. You are amazing. I am so proud of the human you are and the one you're growing into. You care deeply about people. You want the world to be a fair place. You said you wouldn't have your shirt off in public because women can't and that's bullshit. You are going to change the world just by being you.

I cannot wait to see what this next year brings.

I think you’re a great, cool kid and the best son a mom could ask for. Stay kind, stay curious, stay little, innocent and blind to the worse things in the world forever. Tuck on in next to me and let’s read. You're my most favorite Felix in the whole world. I know I say it each year, but seriously, best year of my life.  

All my love, 
Your mama