To My Birthday Boy,

To My Birthday Boy,

Oh sweet boy.  What a wonderful, hilarious, joyful, exceedingly blissful year it’s been.  What do you think of your life so far?  It’s hard to believe that, two years ago today, I was just going in for one of your last checkups only to find out that you’d be joining us in the world a few short whirlwind hours later.  

And what a whirlwind it's been.  Watching you grow and change has quickly become one of my favorite things.  I thought I'd miss the tiny changes since I see you every day.  But it's amazing how I see the tiniest things that are taking you from tiny human to fully-grown little boy.  

I can't get over how fast you grow.  How much you understand and remember, how verbal and expressive and genuine you are in all your emotions.  Be it elation or intense frustration - you feel it and show it fully.  I hope that never goes away.  So many grown ups couch their emotions and stop feeling moments to their fullest because of this learned habit.  For this reason, and so many others, I wish I could stick you in a time-stopping, protective bubble and never let any dark or sad parts of life touch you.  I dread having to explain anything to you other than how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly or how an echo works.  I hope you always believe in magic as inately as you do now.  I feel so privileged  to witness your wonder, excitement and complete acceptance of the mysteries that surround you.

I am proud of you every day.  From the tiniest things to the world at large - when you run up to me, say, "Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom." and then DO.  To your tender heart, telling me "It be okay, mama." when I have a tear.  To seeing how much you like things to be in order - Ketchup on the chicken, mustard on the corn.  Watching you figure things out for yourself is such great fun.  

As if you weren't already the greatest kid ever, soon you will be a big brother.  Another feather in your cap of awesome.  Seeing how you are with all the babies and other kids in your life gives me great hope and solid certainty that you will be a rockstar when your brother arrives.  You are so kind and gentle and giving, something I don't see in lots of kids, let alone humans in general.  I love how much you want to help in everything that I do.  I am glad that you live in a house of "sure, baby, come on" attitude.  Allowing you to help and do as much yourself as possible is going to be a fantastic skill when you're an adult.  

I love puddle stomping with you, yelling across the cul-de-sac, singing Frozen at the top of our lungs, having picnics, experiencing snow, going to the zoo, visiting friends and family, going in your brother's room, feeding your animals, cooking noodles with you, flying like superheroes, laughing until our bodies hurt, cuddling and watching TV, playing grill, reading books, singing our nighttime songs, watching you touch the ceiling, seeing your face light up when your dad puts you on his shoulders, laughing at the funny things you say, hugging puppies, looking for big school buses, getting close (but not too close) to animals, explaining things to you so you understand as best your tiny human brain can, easing your fears, midnight rocking chair cuddles, picking you up from the floor when you roll out of bed, watching how much you can really eat, shaking my head in amazement when you choose blue cheese and apples for dinner, 

 I think you’re a great, cool kid and the best son a mom could ask for.  Thank you for being such a wonderful, inspiring, lovable, photogenic, constantly happy part of my life.  This past year is filed in with your first year under "best of my life".  

All my love,
Your Mama 

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