Felix's 1st Birthday Party(s)

Our sweet little gremlin turns a year old on May 8th.  We celebrated in style with, not one but, two birthday parties.  It was a crazy awesome weekend of food, drink, presents and cake.

Ok, so I may have gone a little overboard on the whole "1st Birthday" thing.  I made the chalkboard from an old frame from goodwill (there's a blogpost coming on that) and then chalkboarded this Felix Stats-ness for part of the decor for the party.  It was SO fun.

Ben made some ROCKING chili.  These are all the spices.  Made for a cool picture.

Some of us started the day with a nap.

Others, with gaming and whiskey in the (ridiculously good) coffee

We got acquainted with balloons.

Little Miss Ari checking out the candy.

Boys and their games.

Homemade Birthday Onesie!

Felix trying to talk Auntie Beth into letting him poke Ari in the eye.

Ready for cake.

Making noises with Dad.

Cheers to Felix!

The gang and the kids.  Best faces in this photo go to Dave and Beth.

Professor Ignatius Gigglesquat enjoys chili, beer and hating Christi.

I got Byron a squirt gun for his birthday.

Byron's parents, Aunt Maya and Uncle Scott, got Felix a freaking CAR for his birthday.  I think it's clear who the better friends are here.

Seester ate too much cake.

Watching bubbles

I love this photo.  Kids and grown up kids alike love the bubbles.

Uncle Scotty!

Cow, Tiger and Turtle cupcakes

Smash Cake - Pre-smash

Mallie, Andrew and the happiest corgi ever.

My favorite awkward "Brian holding baby" picture

Yaaay presents!

Buck this, I'm dooooooooone!

He was reluctant to touch his cake.  Most of the frosting on him was us trying to feed him.  

Then, he decided that showtime was over and shoved his cake off the tray and onto the deck.  Indy was over the moon.

A much needed bath.

Roman had a cupcake.

Post-bath hair.

The lovely Maggie and Felix.

Pretty good 1st birthday party.

 Felix stayed up until 9:45 PM.  He was so tired but knew there were cool party people downstairs and just couldn't sleep.  I think he had a good time.  

 Then, Sunday!  We had a family lunch at Jumbo in Seattle. 

Happy Birthday to Me!

Costco cake, FTW.

My Mother-in-Law and Seester

Felix and Ari.  (This picture will go on their wedding invitation.)


Chinese no smile! 

She put the bow on my head again, didn't she?

Our Auntie Lynda came up from San Francisco to celebrate Felix's birthday.  We went to dinner Sunday night to hang out with her more.

Apparently the dinner was taking too long.  Ben likes to eat Felix's toes.

It was an incredibly awesome weekend with people we love so much and are so grateful to have in our, and Felix's, lives.  We'll celebrate his actual birthday on Wednesday .  I can't believe he's so old.

Happy Birthday, Felix!

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