36 Weeks Update

34 Weeks Update.
How far along: 36 Weeks
Gender: BOY! 
Weight gain: 2 lbs.  1 lb if I've pooped recently.
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes, burlap sack, whatever.  I do know our over-sized bath towels no longer wrap round me and I no longer fit into normal human-sized bathroom stalls.
Stretch marks: So bright that I can practically hear them arriving.
Belly button in or out: Out!  
Best moment this week:  Going to see "Once" with Ben at the Paramount, then to Lola for lamb ravioli.  Seeing a picture from my maternity photo shoot and saying "That's adorable!  Who is that?"
Worst moment this week: Having to deal with idiots and not being able to use my slingshot OR nerf gun as problem resolution.
Miss anything: Wine.  And every once in a while I'll go to flop down on the bed or couch on my stomach with my legs curled up under me.  Then I think twice, just in time.
Movement: Less large movements and more rolling.  He's getting cramped.
Cravings: Chocolate ice cream.  Like the ones from lunchroom in Jr. High in those cups.
Queasy or sick: Doing good!
Mood: Yesterday I was livid for no reason.  If there was something available that equaled less than no reason I'd have that.  
Looking forward to: Finishing Felix's quilt.  My baby shower!  Meeting this little guy.  Counting the days!

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