Felix at Eleven Months

Crawled all the way up the stairs.
Got his first set of Legos (Duplos).
Says "up"
Loves the Opposites book.
Stands by himself.
First Easter basket.
Has 8 teeth.
LOVES other babies.
Has eaten jicama, lentils, miso, tofu, humbow and bacon.
Still never worn pants
Met a sheriff
Rode on a carousel
Insta-dances to Hall and Oats.
Went to the Zoo.
Finds things and points at them if you ask where they are.
Taken 4 steps at a time.
Bit his top lip in two places and had it swell up so he looked like a duck.

Auntie Beth reading to Felix.
Standing man

One of his favorite toys
My cubbie!
Exploring the deck with mommy.

What is this "shoes" thing?
Taters, Precious.

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