We're Going to The Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

For Felix's first birthday, his dad and I got him a membership to the Woodland Park Zoo.  We figured that the kid has more than enough toys (and wants to play with boxes and the dog toys more than anything else anyway) and awesome friends and family who give him clothes so the zoo was an awesome gift that we could all enjoy together.

Our first outing was last Saturday.  Boy, did we have a hell of a time.  We went with our long time friends, Maya and Scott and their two kids.  Before babies, we would go to the zoo and eat gigantic rice krispie treats.  Post babies, that tradition has continued.  We may have added more marshmallows to the mix and reduced the butter, but whatevs.

Now, our little 10 month old pretty much just enjoyed the trees and fences and people around, because he was in a stroller at fence height.  No matter how many times we said, "Felix, look!  A (insert animal here)!"  He just couldn't care less.  He had an absolute blast though.  So did we.  Just another thing to add to the list of "Man, I Never Knew BLANK Could Be So Fun with a Kid".

Mama at the Zoo 
Dada at the Zoo

Could he BE happier?!

We went on a carousel.  Oh man, I don't know who liked it more.
Being a badass on the ponies.

Rockin the 'sel.

Making sure Felix's hat fits for months to come.

Seeking shelter from the weather a bit.

Otter hut!

Ben in his favorite spot at the zoo, the otter window.

Yes, Slinky, I see.  They have breadsticks.  Let's attack.  On my count.

When the weather gave us a bit more of an attitude we took refuge in the Zoomazium.  It is pretty much an indoor germy child pit.  It has climbing toys and stuffed animals and musical instruments.  I never thought I'd be inclined to follow a kid around these kinds of places but it was so cute to see.  Felix loves other babies and followed them around as fast as he could.  He mimicked them and they would get SO mad.  It was hard not to be able to explain that Felix doesn't know how to share yet.  

Playing in the cave in the indoor germy child pit.  Byron is in there too.  He just refuses to stop moving. 

God, Felix LOVED the indoor germy child pit. 

He was pretty damn cute. 
One of the best things about going out in public with Ben is that babies cannot get enough of him.  They follow him, watch him and pretty much abandon everything to keep him in sight.  We don't know why.  There was this one little girl in the indoor germy child pit who walked right up to Ben and asked to be picked up.  Her mom just laughed.  Crazy indoor germy child.

Teaching Uncle Scotty about fungus.

Lunch break!

Nomming sammich. 

We ran into one of my favorite people.  Her name is SuperHot Katie. 

Felix adores her too.  He decided it was time to walk. 

The weather got really bad.  So. Much. Rain 

It's what we get for going to the Zoo in early April. 

We didn't care.  It was such a great day.   

We were getting done.  It was naptime when we got home...

...or, you know, before we left the parking lot. 

Was a good day.

Felix at Eleven Months

Crawled all the way up the stairs.
Got his first set of Legos (Duplos).
Says "up"
Loves the Opposites book.
Stands by himself.
First Easter basket.
Has 8 teeth.
LOVES other babies.
Has eaten jicama, lentils, miso, tofu, humbow and bacon.
Still never worn pants
Met a sheriff
Rode on a carousel
Insta-dances to Hall and Oats.
Went to the Zoo.
Finds things and points at them if you ask where they are.
Taken 4 steps at a time.
Bit his top lip in two places and had it swell up so he looked like a duck.

Auntie Beth reading to Felix.
Standing man

One of his favorite toys
My cubbie!
Exploring the deck with mommy.

What is this "shoes" thing?
Taters, Precious.