
I am so good at guns. 

I know those of you who know me are just reading this in terror seeing as I'm not allowed to even use my sling shot or kitchen shears without supervision. But a couple of months ago, my dad, brother, husband and I went to the middle of the woods and shot guns.  

It. Was. Fun.

Aside from the actual shooting which, I have to admit, was a hell of a lot more fun than I anticipated, the drive itself was awesome.  Dirt, barely-there roads with overgrown trees and shrubs battled for possession only to be bent back by two manly trucks.  That "almost lost" feeling I've grown to love coupled with the desire to see just how far into the mud pit we can actually get before we have to walk home started the day.  

The view when we finally arrived was worth the excursion alone.  We were high on a hillside and it was a clear day.  You could see for miles.  I didn't take any pictures, so sue me.  I was too excited about the bags of guns my brother pulled from the truck to be bothered with documentation.  But trust me, it was inspiring.

I liked the 30/30 rifle best.  I could hit targets 300 yards away.  I don't know what that means.  The boys just kept saying it.  So I'm taking it as an accomplishment.  It should probably be stated that the targets were stationary. I can't shoot the clay birds to save my life.  All my animals would have to stand really still.  Or be in a barrel.  If I had to hunt to live, I would starve.  Partly because of the lack of hitting moving targets but partly because I'd want the little Bambi as a pet.

Maybe it was just intimidation from years of having that damn dog come up and laugh at me on Duck Hunt.  Or MAYBE it was just that any desire to try was squashed by my husband exploding anything thrown into the air.  All those years of video games came to his aid and I think my dad and brother fell a little more in love with him.  He was a dead eye.  Again, I don't know what that means, they just kept saying it.
The boys
My baby brother (the biggest guy in the above picture) knows so much about the guns, the ammo, the safety and the skill.  He is a good teacher and I was impressed throughout the day.  Mostly I was impressed with how much natural skill and talent I possessed.  But a little impressed with his teaching.  Also his baby feeding skills are coming along, too.  
Felix got to hang with my mom while us men (scratch, burp, spit) went shooting.

Excellent day.  Next time we'll bring a picnic.

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