My Best Mary

One lovely day in July, friends got together to have a baby shower for their best Mary. 

As you can see, she is adorable.  There is a baby in her tummy.  It's probably going to be a soccer player.  I've felt the kicks.

There were presents.  

There was a cat.  And a grinning Beth.

Little favors of nursery-colored jelly beans.

There were boys at the beginning, but we kicked them out.

There were lots of games.  This is Maggie eating the chocolate doodie from the diaper game.  
 And Sam guessing how big around Mary's tummy is.  
Nicole schooled us in all the games.

The food makes me hungry as I write this at 1:38 PM.  All gluten free for our gust of honor.  
Sam made the most amazing fruit arrangement.  It was beautiful and delicious. 

Mary loves sushi so we got the idea to make candy sushi while she isn't able to have real sushi.  Mmmm, sushi.  Still hungry.  
How freakin' cute are these?!  It's rice krispies wrapped around gummy worms and starbursts.  Wrapped in green fruit roll up.  They were a blast to make.  The swedish fish made awesome sashimi.

We tie-dyed onesies for little baby. 
We got messy.  Sam's knee got tie-dyed a little bit, too.  Then grass got stuck.

 Everyone had a blast drawing pictures to transfer to onesies, too.  Though I think Maggie drew like four drafts before being satisfied with her airplane.  It was impressive.  

I'm really proud of my Ben.  I worked on a blanket for my gift to Mary and her baby button.  Ben learned to crochet and did a whole section himself.  
This one, right below his eyeballs.

He crocheted so fast I couldn't catch him.  He was a crocheting blur.

It was a blurry, sugar-filled, crepe paper wrapped, tie-dyed, sunny, lovely day with my best Mary.

1 comment:

  1. i just noticed i was the gust of honor. i blew right through that one. it was a breeze.
