32 Weeks Update

32 Weeks Update.
How far along: 32 Weeks (ok, this was last week, but whatever)
Gender: BOY!
Weight gain: 11 lbs
Maternity clothes: I have 2 pairs of jeans that fit.  2 skirts. 2 leggings and 3 shirts.  Options are getting limited and laundry has increased.  
Stretch marks: about 3.  But I think if they are just new additions to old ones that they shouldn't count.
Belly button in or out: Out and running into people, doors, corners, etc.
Best moment this week: Mother's Day weekend.  Such a whirlwind of fun, meals, family, giggling babies, beautiful flowers and naps.  That, or cleaning the shower with vinegar, dish soap and baking soda.  SO AWESOME.
Worst moment this week: Sharp pain on my right side that freaked me out.  Reminding me that I can't go as fast or lift as much or clean as long as I think I can. 
Miss anything: Reisling.  Eating whatever I want without a second thought.
Movement: Getting more roll-y instead of punch-y now that he's getting to be a fatty.
Cravings: Really spicy nachos.  Lemon bars.  Ice-cold anything.  S'mores.
Queasy or sick: Doing good!
Mood: This pregnancy continues to surprise me.  Ask Ben and he'll tell you (I think) that he prefers this one to when I was growing Felix.  With Felix it was "Hey, I was thinking OH MY GOD I HATE THIS DRAWER."  Like, there was no warning that Hulk Christi was coming.  It was smash or be smashed.  With this little guy, it comes on slowly and hangs out a good long while.  So, if I wake up in bitch mode/crying face/project mode, I'm there for like a day.  
Looking forward to: My Aunt and Uncle are coming for a visit!  Going to the zoo!  Finishing up big projects!  Maternity photo shoot!

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