
I have been to Utah a million times.  Every summer and several Christmas's it seems, we're in the car headed for Panguitch.  It may not have been as many times as all that, but my childhood is in all those miles, meals, people, smells and rocks.  So, it was incredibly important to me that Felix experience that place and those people that made it so special.  Boy, did he.

Slack House

Felix met Aunt Pat.

And absolutely adores her.

This was the closest he got to Uncle Jerry.

Felix meets (and bowls over) his cousins.

I cannot stop grinning over this picture.

Love you, Great Grandma.

This is the cabinet in the craft room.  It makes me happy.

Dad, outside, enjoying the quiet while he can.

What is this "fishing pole" you speak of?

Ben is ready for some noms.

Cuddles with Great-Grandma.
We visited Grandpa. 
Dad, I want the hat.
 In all my years of going to Utah I never got to go fishing.  I was little, I was a girl, I would be in the way.  But this year I got to go.  I just had to promise to be quiet and keep up.  It was great fun.  I didn't even want to fish really, just walk along the river and enjoy outside.  It was great.  

Yeh git that there rodnreel riiight nice like rit therr.

I'm a boy!  Grrrr!

Manly men doing manly things.  Plus Evan.

My turn!

Ok,ok so I got a little close to the waterfall and found a sinkhole of mud...

Authentic fisherman
This was our lodge.  Boy howdy did we freaking LOVE it.
 We stayed at the Cottonwood Meadow Lodge.  I can't rave about this place enough.  Oh man, it was beautiful.  There were horses, a dog, cats, chickens, the BEST cookies, friendly staff and excellent views.  We will so be back.  
Clouds rolling in.
 We visited Kodachrome Basin.  We have been here before.  It still stands out in my mind as one of the most silent places I've ever been.  Which is saying a lot since I'm super loud.  

Um, yes, well.

My lovely Aunt Pat and I.

This picture has got to be at least 10 years old.  This is Kodachrome Butt Rock.

In our travels along the same path we found that, sadly, Kodachrome Butt Rock is no more.  
The cousins loved Ben.  He was a human jungle gym.  He had a great time.

Some of the kiddos goofing around. 
More goofs.
I am my father's daughter.

Pretty much the whole reason for the trip.
Uncle Evan is a total dork.


The Fam.
The trip was great.  Tiring and lots to do.  On the way home we had some cuteness.

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