To My Birthday Boy

 An Ollie Tale

Where to begin? Ah, yes.  Concerning Ollie...

Ollie's are happy, jolly and love to eat.  You prefer to be held, comfortable and cozy, rather than run off and have adventures.

Thus making you a hobbit of sorts...

You are NINE years old. Even though you came out a forty year old man. So serious and thoughtful and discerning.

You’re heavy into video games and figuring out how to win, be the best, figure it out. You get frustrated a lot and are learning how to manage that.

You like your therapist, Summer. You play lots of crazy games with her. I’m so glad you have another grown up in your life to relate to, talk to, trust and help you with tools on how to handle big feelings. Normalizing therapy is so important. You’ll have such a head start on those of us who didn’t learn it was a necessary tool as adults.

Your class with Ms. Alldredge is a great one. You’re a genius. You sass her and you get along really well. Such a small class at only 17 kids. You get along so great with them all! Hayward and Irene are your most talked about friends. I love how much you are liked and said hi to. Over 30 kids are coming to your party. It’s nuts.

You are an amazing inspiration to so many. You are able to express your feelings so clearly you have to dumb it down for others. You are so self aware and able to self regulate. I’m in constant awe. Even when you’re tapped and have nothing else in your tank, you can tell us. You step away. You take a deep breath. It’s amazing to see. I wish you didn’t have to do it so often, but I’m glad you know how.

We road tripped to Uncle Cody’s house last summer. We had a house with a pool which you LIVED IN any time mom and dad weren’t force feeding you Mexican food. We’re going to San fransciso this summer and then to Lompoc so we can do it all over again. I cannot wait.

We had to say good bye to Indy this year. It’s hard to believe it’s only been since November that he’s been gone. You were so sad and stoic and supportive of everyone in the house. Sometimes we have to remind you that you don’t have to put your feelings aside to care about everyone else. You care so deeply and want to fix everything for everyone.

But sadness gives way to new joy. We have Mabel and Jasper now. You have a hard time holding sadness in one hand and joy in the other, but we’re learning. You love them so much and I am so glad because you were the one we were worried about not wanting to engage with them. But you are so in love with Mabel and you like Jasper. 

You, dear boy, had the first sleepover that wasn’t with family this year with Hayward. You rocked it. Of course you did. You went to Defy, and dinner  and then sleepover and we didn’t come get you in the night!

You still love to eat, little hobbit. You enjoyed a cruise to Alaska and all it’s good all the times. You liked the views and the company but boy did we eat.

One thing Ben has been really leaning into this year is letting you boys just be kids. I hope you get a full summer of popsicles and sleeping in and video games and riding bikes and just being a kid because you are a great one.

I can't wait to see what adventures we all get into in the years to come. Complete with second breakfast, elevensies and the other four meals when we can get them.

It's been an incredible year, I’d do all over in a heartbeat, there and back again, for sure.  Thanks for choosing me to be your mom.

All my love,
Your mama