To my birthday boy,
Oh sweet boy. What a wonderful, hilarious, joyful, exceedingly blissful year it’s been. What do you think of your life so far? It’s hard to believe that, eight years ago today, I was just going in for one of your last checkups only to find out that you’d be joining us in the world a few short whirlwind hours later.
It happens every year. IT HAPPENS EVERY YEAR. I just typed "nine" and thought, "No, that's wrong. He can't be 9." But, just like every year, it's true. Maybe even more true this year than previous ones - because I got to be home with you so much this year and got to SEE all the growth and change that happened. Nine. That’s ALMOST A WHOLE HAND, KID.
We’re at Seabrook just before your birthday and it’s been a peaceful place for us this last year. We’ve been in quarantine/lockdown/pandemic world since March 2020. This is your second birthday in quarantine. A lot of what I’m worried you’re missing doesn’t seem to phase you. You’re happy and thriving and excited about as much as you were in the before times.
We’re almost fully vaccinated. Mom and Dad have one shot under their belt and will be immunized at the end of May. We’re celebrating you on your birthday and after with a small party with family. You seem just thrilled at the traditions of dad making your requested meal and birthday breakfast pie.
You have really grown up this year. We never really had the terrible twos or a three-nager but seven was a tough year. You learned. I learned. We grew. And now we’re on the other side of it. It truly was a phase. Who knew you’d ever grow out of it. But you’re so able to calm yourself, use your voice and avoid a tantrum. I mean, I can’t think of the last time you had an epic meltdown tantrum. Felix, that’s incredible. And so are you.
This year and we as your parents have asked just so much of you. We have high expectations and I gotta tell you, kiddo, you have exceeded them all. You’re thriving in your high-cap class, even remotely. You’re an incredible artist and author. I love when you want to use the iPad and your laptop at night so you can write. UGH, MY HEART.
I love when you wear shorts because you have the knobby knees. You’re so gangly. Like a golden retriever that hasn’t grown into its paws yet.
You are a master bike rider now and love to be outside zooming around every chance you get. Outside was made more wonderful by the arrival of new neighbors with a little girl near your age. Cul du sac times rock!
Your teacher this year (and next) is Mrs. Long and she’s incredible. She pushes you, helps you be more and more independent, challenges and supports you. Even when in-person learning opened back up and you had to switch schedules and re-learn some things, you and she did it with such grace. School is almost over. You’re so close to a summer more normal.
We read and watched the 3rd and 4th Harry Potter. I love how intense of feelings books and movies get you. During the last part of movie 4 your whole body was sweaty. I think it’s because you’re such an empath. All the feels all the time
You love unicorns. And dragons. And dinosaurs. And non-fiction. And strange but true facts. You want to work in a pet store when you grow up. And you talk a lot about when you’ll move out (doing the math to the year) your kids and pets you’ll have and their lives you’ll give them. It all sounds like a sweet gig. You also really, really, really like to be right. Like a lot. A really lot. But you’re more kind about it when you’re wrong these days.
You are loved. You are safe. You are amazing. I am so proud of the human you are and the one you're growing into. You care deeply about people. You want the world to be a fair place. You are inclusive and kind and creative and aware and sensitive. You are going to change the world just by being you.
I cannot wait to see what this next year brings.
I think you’re a great, cool kid and the best son a mom could ask for. Stay kind, stay curious, stay little, innocent and blind to the worse things in the world forever stay kind, even when the world seems against you, work to change it. Tuck on in next to me and let’s read. You're my most favorite Felix in the whole world. I know I say it each year, but seriously, best year of my life.
All my love,
Your mama
All my love,
Your mama