An Ollie Tale
Where to begin? Ah, yes. Concerning Ollie...
Ollie's are happy, jolly and love to eat. You prefer to be held, comfortable and cozy, rather than run off and have adventures.
Thus making you a hobbit of sorts...
Kid, you gotta stop growing. I cannot believe you're FOUR years old. I looked at your birthday entry for last year and it feels just so far away. You've grown so much in the last year. You are, and always have been, your own person. It's just got a bit of sass on it now. No one, not even your dad and I, can make you do anything you don't want to do. I love and hate that. It will serve you well in your life but when I tell you to pick up your pants off the floor it makes me crazy. You give zero fucks, man.
You have such emotions and are learning to manage them. If you're embarrassed, scared, sad or mad you try to hide away until the feeling passes. We encourage you to let the tears out if you've got them. Because it's okay to cry. However you're feeling, it's okay.
You still aren't a fan of bugs. But now, when you're feeling brave and you see a flying bug you sing "Shoo, Fly, Don't Bother Me" like a champ, then run over to tell us you were brave.
You have become even more of a comfort baby. You are like a cat, hiding and squeezing yourself into corners or between couch and ottoman, watching the iPad. You love to be enclosed or hidden. Good thing one of your gifts this year was a fort from Ms. Christine.
I love how much you love your people. And whenever we ask you why you love someone, your answer still is, "because I do." That's true love, sweets. Just because you do. I just love that.
The Beatles are a serious love of yours. I think you know more Beatles songs than I do. I love your love of music. You get that from your mom and dad. We love to sing and dance and be silly with a song on all the time. I ADORE when we're out and a song comes on, you stop and yell, "We know this song!" Like it's the craziest thing ever.
You are so articulate and honest and creative and I can always see your mind figuring things out. When you ask me "Are me and Goh-Goh (Felix) completely different kids still?" And boy are you. I can't get over how you tackle a problem and how Felix does. This causes strife with you two but it also makes you so bonded. I am so happy when I hear the laughing from the USLR or the back of the van because you both are playing and imagining.
You are definitely still "The Darkness". From choosing to play the villain to enjoying Diablo to refusing to accept your brother's apology just to hurt him to your questions about death - you're The Darkness. Your questions about death and dying and how does it feel and when will it happen are all asked so fervently and usually at bedtime. I hope your dad and I provide you comfort and answers. It can be a scary world out there, but I want to answer all your questions as honestly and clearly as I can.
Finally, I rarely see me in you. Yes, we have the same curly hair and big eyeballs but you are your dad, though and through. But every once in a while, I can see me. When you walk into a crowded room, look around and go, "Nope" and we leave - that you get from me. When you want to do all the things and then really don't want to do anything, you get that from me.
I can't wait to see what adventures we all get into in the years to come. Complete with second breakfast, elevensies and the other four meals when we can get them.
It's been an incredible year, one of the best of my life. I'd do it all over in a heartbeat, there and back again, for sure. Thanks for choosing me to be your mom.
All my love,
Your mama