Happy Birthday, Banana!

Dear Hannah,

When I think about you the word that comes to mind is "unconditional".  You put up with so much of me. My moods, quirks, requests (ok, demands), ideas, tantrums and plans. You love me, Ben and the boys unconditionally and without hesitation.  

But more than that, I want you to know, when I think of you, the word that comes to mind is "unconditional". In that, I love you no matter your moods, quirks, requests (pepperoni, please), ideas, tantrums and plans. I hope you know I adore you, think the world of you, am so proud of the person you are, have become and are becoming. 

You're an inspiration and I depend on you as a sailor depends on the stars: for guidance and a reminder that life can be beautiful, mysterious, terrifying but conquerable, and incredible.

You are a kind, decent, unfailingly generous person. My pillar, without whom I could not stand. I am proud to be your friend. 

Happy birthday, my dearest. Know you are loved beyond words. You always s have someone in your corner, always have a net to catch you, a sanctuary if ever you should need it. 
