Sabs First Pumpkin Patch!

I have a Sabs. She is from Spain. They don't have pumpkin patches in Spain.  Or if they do, she didn't know about them.  So we took her to one.

It was quite a different day than the first time we went this year.  It was blustery and there were a million people there this time! 
 Of course, these were the only three people there that mattered.  

Well, four, if you could the baby in that belly.  

Sabs looks for a pumpkin.  She has very specific pumpkining needs.  

Yay!  She found one!  She chose very cute, perfect pumpkins.

I wanted to see if the cinderella pumpkins yielded better or worse seed amounts than other pumpkins.  It's worse, if you were wondering.  They taste great but it's like a third of the seeds from the jack-o-lantern ones.  
Pumpkin smiles!

I do love pumpkins.


Felix at Five Months

Sucks his toes.
Rolls in all directions, usually towards the fireplace.
Went to the Puyallup Fair.
Says "Dada" a lot.
Visited the pumpkin patch.
Sounds like an angry cat/dinosaur.
Met Great Aunt Pam and Great Uncle Walt. 
Has still never worn pants.
Has eaten sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, rice cereal, pears, apples and prunes.
Sleeps with his butt in the air.
Likes (to chew) the bumbo.  
Loves being tossed in the air by his daddy.
oh yeah, I got this.

monkeys and feet 

sweet potatoes

Rocking the fair