Felix at Two Months

Things About Felix at Two Months

He sleeps 5-7 hours a night.
He will sleep through anything, including live Mariners games and 4th of July.
His ears jiggle in the stroller.
He laughs.
He still hasn't worn pants.
He stretches both arms up and both legs down at the same time.
He has ridiculously long eyelashes.
He can almost get his fingers in his mouth.
He likes his friend the monkey above the changing table.
He thinks fans and lights are just the best thing ever.
He has toes that grip.
He stores milk in his cheeks.
He weighed 11.2 lbs and was 22.5 inches long at his two month appointment.

Felix at One Month

Things About Felix at One Month Old

He gets the hiccups almost daily.
He heals like Wolverine.
He wiggles around pretty well.
His umbilical cord fell off, making him a real boy.
Umbilical cords smell.  Really bad.
He smiles.
He hates Dolly Parton.
He falls asleep to Ke$ha.
He has never worn pants.
He has sweet baby breath.
He screams before he sneezes.
All his toes are the same length.
He has rubbed all the hair off the top of his head.