How to Love Pumpkins

I love pumpkins.  I assume the rest of the world does, too.  Here is a detailed set of instructions on how best to love pumpkins the Bacon way.

First, select the best specimen.

Second, get a love thing going.

Introduce the pumpkin to your family.
Good dog.  Good pumpkin.

Now, we get an idea.

And, find a knife.

Hack open pumpkin.  Carefully.  Very carefully.
See, pumpkin opens and we still have all our fingers.

Look!  Guts!

Separate guts from seeds like so.
Spreading on cookie sheet with a bit of salt.

Cook until seeds pop up.
Nice and toasty.  Good job, team.

Congratulations.  You have successfully loved pumpkins the Bacon way.  Enjoy fruits of your labor.

What to do with the now seedless halves of pumpkin?  Why, I'm glad you asked.